You’re the first source of knowledge for your kids. It is your job to prepare them
for success in the real world. Part of this process means teaching your kids that
there are consequences for all of your actions.
You may see your child be friendly to someone and then make a friend. This is
a teachable moment where you can show your child that when you are kind and
respectful, good things happen. Valuable teachable moments also come about
when children do not meet expectations.
Hold the Line
If your child fails a test, you can implement consequences.
Consequences are most impactful when they have a direct relation to the action.
For example, it might not make sense to make your child do the dishes every day
for failing a test. Instead, it may be more appropriate to limit free time and
increase study time.
This is a good time to teach your child another valuable lesson: we must take
responsibility for our actions. Holding your kids accountable for their
actions will teach them to own up to their mistakes in the future. It’s helpful
to talk through the reasoning behind these consequences so your child understands why she is expected to meet expectations, and what happens when expectations are not met..............
Looking for more information and strategies on being firm and fair?
The 8 Parenting Guide goes into more detail with more useful tips. Check out our E-Guides.